Contact APIs


Returns all contacts and contact groups for current user


  • logintoken - Text - Retrieved by former invocation of /api/authentication/login in order to identify user. Required.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/contacts/get?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad

Example Response

  "contacts": [
      "contactid": "1000658322",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "email": "",
      "groups": [
        "contactgroupid": "1c12267ae0244adf956bf80788b4f4da",
        "name": "Business Contacts"
  "responsestatus": "OK"

Example Response (Empty)

  "Contacts": [],
  "responsestatus": "OK"


Adds contact to contact list


  • logintoken - Text - Retrieved by former invocation of /api/authentication/login in order to identify user. Required.

  • name - Text - Name of the contact. Required.

  • email - Text - Email address of the contact. Required.

  • mobile - Text - Mobile phone of the contact. Optional.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/contacts/add?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad &name=JohnDoe&

Example Response

  "responsestatus": "OK",
  "contact": {
    "contactid": "1000658318",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": ""

Example Response (Invalid e-mail)

  "responsestatus": "InvalidEmail",
  "errorcode": 1004,
  "errormessage": "Parameter 'email' is not a valid e-mail address:"


Updates contact


  • logintoken - Text - Retrieved by former invocation of /api/authentication/login in order to identify user. Required.

  • contactid - Text - Id of the contact. Required.

  • name - Text - New name of the contact. Optional.

  • email - Text - New email address of the contact. Optional.

  • mobile - Text - New mobile phone of the contact. Optional.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/contacts/update?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad &contactid=jd893jr8g93hf39th&name=JohnDoe&

Example Response

  "responsestatus": "OK"

Example Response (Invalid parameter)

  "responsestatus": "InvalidParameter",
  "errorcode": 1002,
  "errormessage": "Contact not found"


Deletes contact


  • logintoken - Text - Retrieved by former invocation of /api/authentication/login in order to identify user. Required.

  • contactid - Text - Id of the contact. Required.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/contacts/delete?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad &contactid=jd893jr8g93hf39th

Example Response

  "responsestatus": "OK"

Example Response (Invalid parameter)

  "responsestatus": "InvalidParameter",
  "errorcode": 1002,
  "errormessage": "Contact not found"


Get all groups for user


  • logintoken - Text - Retrieved by former invocation of /api/authentication/login in order to identify user. Required.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/contacts/group/get?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad

Example Response

  "status": "OK",
  "groups": [
         "contactgroupid": "86e24d651c494b28bacda061d56f85f9",
         "contactgroupname": "Coworkers"


Adds new contact group


  • logintoken - Text - Retrieved by former invocation of /api/authentication/login in order to identify user. Required.

  • name - Text - Name of contact group. Required.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/contacts/group/add?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad &name=Coworkers

Example Response

  "responsestatus": "OK",
  "Groups": [
      "contactgroupid": "86e24d651c494b28bacda061d56f85f9",
      "contactgroupname": "Coworkers"


Updates contact group


  • logintoken - Text - Retrieved by former invocation of /api/authentication/login in order to identify user. Required.

  • contactgroupid - Text - Id of the group to update. Required.

  • name - Text - New name of the contact group. Required.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/contacts/group/update?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad &contactid=jd893jr8g93hf39th

Example Response

  "responsestatus": "OK"


Deletes contact group


  • logintoken - Text - Retrieved by former invocation of /api/authentication/login in order to identify user. Required.

  • contactgroupid - Text - Id of the group to delete. Required.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/contacts/group/delete?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad &contactgroupid=jd893jr8g93hf39th

Example Response

  "responsestatus": "OK"


Add a contact to a group


  • logintoken - Text - Retrieved by former invocation of /api/authentication/login in order to identify user. Required.

  • contactgroupid - Text - Id of the group to add contact in. Required.

  • contactid - Text - Id of the contact to add in group. Required.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/contacts/addtogroup?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad &contactgroupid=jd893jr8g93hf39th&contactid=jd893jr8g93hf39th

Example Response

  "responsestatus": "OK"


Remove a contact from a group


  • logintoken - Text - Retrieved by former invocation of /api/authentication/login in order to identify user. Required.

  • contactgroupid - Text - Id of the group to add contact in. Required.

  • contactid - Text - Id of the contact to add in group. Required.

Example Request

API Address:
GET /api/contacts/removefromgroup?logintoken=2ac1241817fb4285aa0a1dbd00a21dad &contactgroupid=jd893jr8g93hf39th&contactid=jd893jr8g93hf39th

Example Response

  "responsestatus": "OK"